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Joe Zawinul Site - Musicisti
Peter Erskine


Peter Erskine

Batterista molto versatile, dotato di una tecnica eccellente, Peter Erskine ha suonato con numerose formazioni e si è espresso in modo pregevole in molti generi musicali.
Presente dapprima nell'orchestra di Stan Kenton (dal 1972 al '75), poi nella Big Band di Maynard Ferguson (1976-78), nel 1978 si unisce ai Weather Report su invito del suo amico Jaco Pastorius. Rimane nel gruppo fino al 1982, portando il suo importante contributo agli anni forse più "produttivi" della formazione. Negli anni successivi entra a far parte stabilmente degli Steps Ahead, e collabora con una larghissima serie di artisti di fama internazionale, quali Jonh Abercrombie, Kenny Wheeler, John Scofield e moltissimi altri.




Kenton, Stan National Anthems of the World


Kenton, Stan Birthday in Britain

Kenton, Stan 7.5 on the Richter Scale

Kenton, Stan Live at the London Hilton 1973, Vol


Kenton, Stan Stan Kenton Plays Chicago D rums

Kenton, Stan Plays Chicago

Kenton, Stan Fire, Fury and Fun


Kenton, Stan Journey into Capricorn


Montreux Summit, Vol. 1

Ferguson, Maynard Conquistador


Montreux Summit, Vol. 2

Ferguson, Maynard Carnival

Weather Report Mr. Gone Cymbals, , Vocals, Hi Hat


Colombier, Michel Michael Colombier

Hutcherson, Bobby Un Poco Loco Percussion,

Mitchell, Joni Mingus

Cables, George Cables' Vision

Henderson, Joe Relaxin' at Camarillo

Weather Report 8:30 Percussion, ,Executive Producer

Farrell, Joe Sonic Text

Havana Jam 2 Havana Jam 2

Serry, John Jazziz

Watanabe, Kazumi To Chi Ka

Weather Report Night Passage

Crawford, Randy Through the Eyes of Love


Pastorius, Jaco Word of Mouth

Mainieri, Mike Wanderlust

Pastorius, Jaco Birthday Concert , Liner Notes


Weather Report Record

Frisell, Bill Works


Dudziak, Urszula Sorrow Is Not Forever...But Love Is

Sidran, Ben Bop City

Pastorius, Jaco Invitation , Gong, Tympani

Steps Ahead Steps Ahead

Bernhardt, Warren Trio '83

Watanabe, Sadao Sweet Deal

James, Bob Genie

James, Bob Foxie

Guitar Fire!: GRP GoldGuitar Fire!: GRP Gold Encore Serie Percussion,

Reichenbach, Bill Quartet

LaVerne, Andy Liquid Silver

Steps Ahead Modern Times Synthesizer, Percussion,


Forman, Mitchell Train of Thought , (Electric)

Jordan, Stanley Magic Touch

Abercrombie, John Current Events

Grolnick, Don Hearts and Numbers

Johnson, Marc Bass Desires

Mintzer, Bob Incredible Journey

Sprague, Peter Na Pali Coast

Steps Ahead Magnetic Percussion,

Weather Report This Is This!

Daniels, Eddie Eddie Daniels Collection Percussion,

Mintzer, Bob First Decade

Denon Jazz Sampler Vol. Denon Jazz Sampler, Vol. 1

Mintzer, Bob Camouflage


Bernhardt, Warren Hands on


Elias, Elaine Cross Currents , Vocals

Denon Jazz Sampler Vol. Denon Jazz Sampler, Vol. 2 Synthesizer, ,Producer

ECM Spectrum Vol. 1 ECM Spectrum, Vol. 1

Abercrombie, John Getting There

Berg, Bob Short Stories Percussion,

Johnson, Marc Second Sight

Patitucci, John John Patitucci

Peacock, Gary Guamba , drum machine

Stern, Mike Time in Place

Pedicin, Michael Jr. Angles


Superfriends Taste of Superfriends

Denon Jazz Sampler Vol. Denon Jazz Sampler, Vol. 3 Percussion,

Aurora [3] Aurora

Kottke, Leo Regards from Chuck Pink Synthesizer, Percussion,

, Programming,Synthesizer

Brecker, Michael Don't Try This at Home

Elias, Eliane So Far So Close

Mays, Lyle Street Dreams Cymbals,

Mintzer, Bob Spectrum

Abercrombie, John John Abercrombie, Marc Johnson & Pe  

Kelly, Nancy Live Jazz Percussion,

Burton, Gary Times Like These

GRP All-Star Big Band Grp All-Stars: Wnua 95.5 - Smooth S

GRP All-Star Big Band rp All-Stars: Wqcd - Cool Sounds o


Yano, Akiko Welcome Back Akiko Yano Percussion,

Jones, Rickie Lee Flying Cowboys


Burton, Gary

Reunion [With Pat Metheny]


Mintzer, Bob Urban Contours

Scofield, John Time on My Hands Producer

Stern, Mike Jigsaw

Lauer, Christof Christof Lauer

Bernhardt, Warren Heat of the Moment

Benoit, David Waiting for Spring

Scofield, John Best of John Scofield Producer

Grolnick, Don Complete Blue Note Recordings


Franks, Michael Blue Pacific

Grolnick, Don Weaver of Dreams

 Margitza, Rick Hope

Mendoza, Vince Start Here , Executive Producer

Mintzer, Bob Art of the Big Band

Mintzer, Bob Hymn Composer,

Patitucci, John Sketchbook  

Tyzik, Jeff Distant Dreams

Wheeler, Kenny Music for Large and Small Ensembles

 Wheeler, Kenny Widow in the Window

Coil, Pat  Steps


Calderazzo, Joey In the Door

Catney, Dave Jade Visions

Elias, Eliane Long Story

Mintzer, Bob I Remember Jaco

Muthspiel, Wolfgang Promise

Sheppard, Bob Tell Tale Signs

Towner, Ralph Open Letter

Beasley, John Cauldron

Erquiaga, Steve Erikology

Garbarek, Jan Star

Ilg, Dieter Summerhill

Mintzer, Bob Departure

Abbasi, Rez Third Ear

Manhattan Jazz Quintet Funk Strut


VOSS Records Jazz Serie VOSS Records Jazz Series Sampler

Kenia Love Lives on

Elias, Eliane Fantasia

Daniels, Eddie Benny Rides Again

GRP GRP 10th Anniversary Collection

Benoit, David Letter to Evan

Abercrombie, John November


Daniels, Eddie Under the Influence

Sandoval, Arturo Dreams Come True

Okoshi, Tiger Echoes of a Note (A Tribute to Loui

 Haslip, Jimmy Arc

Weston, Tim Providence

Martyn, John No Little Boy

Hills, Anne October Child

World of Contemporary JWorld of Contemporary Jazz Groups

Burton, Gary It's Another Day

Cunliffe, Bill Rare Connection

Elias, Eliane Paulistana

Legrand, Michel Michel Plays Legrand

Mendoza, Vince Sketches

Daisaku Eastern Shore

Watanabe, Sadao Night with Strings


DiMeola, Al Orange & Blue

Loeb, Chuck Simple Things

Thielemans, Toots East Coast West Coast

Patitucci, John Mistura Fina

Stiefel, Christoph Ancient Longings

Laws, Hubert Storm Then the Calm

Amuedo, Leonardo Dolphin Dance

Mainieri, Mike American Diary


Matthews, David [1] Manteca

Esquire Jazz Collection Esquire Jazz Collection: Crosstown

James, Bob Swan

Williams, Vanessa Sweetest Days

Santana Dance of the Rainbow Serpent

Steely Dan Alive in America

James, Boney Seduction

Franks, Michael Abandoned Garden

Crossover Stars/Crossto Crossover Stars/Crosstown Traffic

Daniels, Eddie Five Seasons

Ravel, Freddie Sol to Soul


Salvatore, Sergio Always a Beginning

Ferguson, Maynard This Is Jazz, Vol. 16

Jacob, Christian Maynard Ferguson Presents Jacob Chr

 Johnson, Gordon Gordon Johnson Trios

Loeb, Chuck Memory Lane

Gruntz, George Sins 'n Wins 'n Funs

Le, Nguyen Miracles

Lockwood, Didier New York Rendez-Vous

New Spirits in Jazz New Spirits in Jazz


Herington, Jon Complete Rhyming Dictionary

Hanson, Paul Astro Boy Blues

Ruiz, Otmaro Distant Friends

Burton, Gary Departure

Jazz Fusion, Vol. 1 Jazz Fusion, Vol. 1

Garfield, David Tribute to Jeff Porcaro

Wouldn't It Be Nice: A Wouldn't It Be Nice: A Jazz Portrai

Art of Saxophone Art of Saxophone

Art of Jazz Saxophone: Art of Jazz Saxophone: Impressions

White, Peter Songs of the Season

Swingin' Jazz for Hipst Swingin' Jazz for Hipsters, Vol. 2


Weather Report This Is Jazz, Vol. 40: The Jaco Yea

Dirk K Beach Ball

Franks, Michael Best of Michael Franks: A Backward

 Best of Smooth Jazz, Vo Best of Smooth Jazz, Vol. 4

Daniele, Pino Best of Pino Daniele: Yes I Know My

 Martyn, John Very Best of John Martyn

Dimeola, Al Infinite Desire

Eastwood, Kyle From There to Here

Mintzer, Bob Quality Time

Williams, Patrick Sinatraland

Midnight Jazz Band Jazz Past Midnight: Love Songs

Stiefel, Christoph Sweet Paradox

VanRossum, Jerome Diplomatic Immunity


Cline, Alex Ensemble Sparks Fly Upward

Abbasi, Rez Modern Memory

University of Wisconsin Timeless Vision

Mendoza, Vince Epiphany

Natural Selection Natural Selection

Kenton, Stan Live at Newport Jazz Festival

Mainieri, Mike American Diary, Vol. 2: Dreamings

Bernsen, Randy Mo' Wasabi

Bernsen, Randy Music for Planets, People & Washing

 Ferguson, Maynard New Vintage

Cables, George Big Jazz Trio

Cables, George Whisper Not

Fouquey, Jean Pierre Railroad

Leviev, Milcho What's New

CMPler CMP-Ler

Shorter, Wayne This Is Jazz, Vol. 19


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